Bridge work

This is the North side of the Lamar Pedestrian bridge (does it have an official name?) that crosses over the lake/river in downtown Austin.  I had a little time to spare, and a camera, and nice weather - so basically I checked out of the natural world for a while.  I am sure all photographers get like that - you get all into the camera and figuring out your settings, and into the scene and what you want to capture and how, and of course focused on the whole experience and what you are doing, then the next thing you know an hour has flown by and you are about to miss something you had scheduled.  You do that too, right?  Ok good.

In this case, I lined up and planned my shot, checking it out from various angles and all that, then finally decided on this one.  Then, I fired off 7 shots in this case (I don't always do that, usually just 3-5) and hoped for the best.  Like a lot of HDR folks (I am totally guessing at this point), the moment of truth comes when you dump them all into Photomatix and hope that the result is something worth keeping.  At least that is my moment of truth because that is the moment that I will know for sure whether the HDR was the answer for that shot. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it just isn't.  As they say - you win some, you lose some, and some get rained out.  Well, I ended up thinking this was a winner.  What do you think?


Out of its element


Warm and sunny