Closed for winter

Zilker Park is Austin's version of Central Park, sort of.  It's not as big, nor is it surrounded by skyscrapers, but it is a big beautiful open space that can provide hours of entertainment for young and old.  Barton Springs is a natural spring that runs through part of the park, and there is a section which is dammed up and made into a swimming pool which is open year-round, if you can handle the constant 68 degree temps.  I might be able to in the summer, when it's about 500 degrees outside, but in the winter?  Craziness.  Anyways, the spring continues its path and eventually merges into Lady Bird Lake, aka The Colorado River, or more likely known as Town Lake if you have been here for more than a few years.  For the record, I call it Town Lake.  These canoes are for rental there, and are very popular in the other seasons as folks enjoy taking them out for a spin.  I was walking around and liked the look of these abandoned fellows, seemingly waiting out the cold by huddling together like a bunch of penguins.

This is a 6 shot HDR image shot at f/5, with the exposures ranging from -3 to +2.  They were merged in Photomatix to create the HDR, and then moved into PSE for Curves, Contrast, and Unsharp Mask.  The final touch was in Topaz Adjust for a little polish.


A break in the storm


A hill country sunset