Step carefully

This wonderful little stream and bridge sit behind the Alumni Center on the University of Texas campus in Austin.  I went on a photowalk with Pete Talke of Places2Explore and we found this place by accident, which is always the best way to find little gems like this.  We spent nearly an hour down in this little spot, snapping the waterfalls and the bridge from all sorts of angles.  We were fortunate that the water level was just about right - we could step on stones to get across and just barely get our shoes wet.  Any higher water levels and we would have been unable to get in all the right spots.  Sometimes it just works out!

This shot is a 7 exposure HDR shot at f/22.  It was post-processed for HDR in Photomatix, then adjusted in PSE for Curves and a light touch in Topaz Adjust.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


A quiet stretch of river


Hook 'Em Horns!