Campus reflections

This is a hidden little spot that I discovered, quite by accident, while walking around on the campus of The University of Texas at Austin.  I had been shooting there and just having a good time.  After a bit I began to meander, which I like to do while holding a camera, and ended up in this spot, which was tucked in nicely among a few buildings.

I took this as an HDR, quite a while back, and had processed it with Photomatix.  However, I was never sold on the result so it just sat in my library.  Fast forward to now and Nik Software’s HDR Efex Pro has come along - and it’s great!  I am sold!  I really love the product, as well as the other ones that come in their Complete Collection.  Anyways, I went back and processed this with HDR Efex Pro and it just did such a better job with the photo.  

If you are interested, I wrote up a little review/tutorial on my blog about HDR Efex Pro, which you can read about here: 

Thanks for stopping by!


Red in Fred


Just another La Jolla sunset