A sunset experiment

This is a follow up shot to a photo I posted about a month ago, which has quickly become one of my personal favorites and (fortunately) is one of my highest-viewed photos.  You can find that one here.  This version was taken just a few minutes after that first one.  In this case, I was experimenting with adding in a foreground element.  Usually with a sunset shot, I like to just focus on the sunset since it is the star of the show, so to speak.  In this case, it was certainly one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen.  But you can only take so many shots of one thing, even something so beautiful, before you start to get a little bored - or maybe that's just me.  Anyways, I moved around this pond a little bit and saw this clump of grass there, hanging around and waiting to get its picture taken.  So, I went ahead with it, thinking it could lend a little something different to your typical "oh my God that is an amazing sunset" shot.  What do you think?  Does it work or does it distract from what is happening in the sky?

This is a 4 exposure taken at f/13 into failing light, sort of.  I mean, I had some light obviously but it was getting dark fairly quick.  The exposures range from -2 to +1 and were merged into an HDR in Photomatix, which I think is a fantastic product.  The image was then adjusted in PSE for Curves, Contrast and Shadow, with a final little touch in Topaz Adjust (another fantastic product I might add).


Wind, rain, and a camera


Standing tall