Nearly under a waterfall

Here is another shot from my recent photowalk at McKinney Falls State Park here in Austin.  It is a wonderful place to go take photos, with the water running really well right now.  For this shot, I got in a little closer in the interest of trying to catch some of that amazing water running by in HDR.  It worked out for me!  I climbed down close onto a rock that stuck out right next to the waterfall, balanced the tripod as best as I could, and snapped away.  I could feel the mist on me (and my camera!) but thought it was worth it for a cool closeup.

This is a 5 exposure HDR taken at f/11, with exposures ranging from -3 to +1.  I merged them into an HDR in Photomatix and then made some of my typical adjustments in PSE around Color Curves, Contrast and Unsharp Mask.  My final step was to run it through Topaz Adjust for a little extra pop.


Stonehenge, sorta


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