We arrived at Lost Maples State Park in the late afternoon, and were promptly told by the park ranger that we had just over 2 hours until sunset.  Having spent the better part of 2 hours driving to get here, and with nowhere else even remotely nearby to go visit or photograph, we hit the trail.  The map told us it was not a long hike, but being a photographer I know how these things stretch out - mostly due to me stopping and taking pictures.  Ok, entirely due to that.  Anyways, we had been on the trail less than 10 minutes and we came to this spot where the water ran over the trail, making for a tricky crossing - but a nice photograph.  I set up and got my shots and then we were off.  As you can see, the sun was heading around the bend and that gave me the opportunity to get some nice reflections in the water.  I finished up, we skipped over some rocks to cross the water, and continued the hike...you can see the bend in the trail off to the right.

6 exposure HDR taken at f/22, with exposures from -3 to +2.  HDR created in Photomatix and massaged a little in PSE and Aperture.


Red poppy


Bouncing bridge