Oxford blues

Anyone remember the movie “Oxford Blues” from back in the ‘80’s?  It starred Rob Lowe as an American scamming his way into Oxford University to pursue a girl.  It was pretty dumb, as I recall.  Most ‘80’s movies were not memorable, except the ones made by John Hughes.  Those were awesome.  Well, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.  That was awesome, too.  Hang on.   I also loved Fletch – but every guy does – and I am digressing so let me get back on topic here.  This isn’t a movie blog.

Anyways, that movie is where I got the title of this shot which I took recently in downtown Denver on a cold, snowy morning.  I had just shot their Union Station and was walking back towards my hotel when I passed this scene.  The morning blue hour was beautiful, and the reflections and colors just caught my eye.  I love shooting in cities and sometimes you just get all the right elements in a scene.


Panama City towers


Back in the alleys