iPhone fun in Panama

As 2012 progressed, I did a worse and worse job sharing my iPhone shots here on the blog, which is a shame because I enjoy these types of posts.  I tend to keep a theme with each iPhone post (usually centered on a trip to a certain spot), and will likely continue with that idea.  It’s fun to share a little summary of a trip or an event, as captured by my iPhone.  And though I wasn’t sharing a lot of iPhone shots here, I was continuing to take them - lots of them.  I already have several more posts planned around my iPhone, so stay tuned on that front.

And so in keeping with one of my 2013 goals listed in my post yesterday, today’s post is an iPhone tour of some parts of Panama City, Panama that I visited recently.  It’s really a great town to shoot in, with an amazing skyline and a historic district that is culturally and architecturally rich.  I shot in churches, on the streets, and some randomness here and there.  In other words, the same stuff I always shoot with my iPhone. :-)

Enjoy the tour, and thanks for stopping by today.


Thankful for sunsets


Looking down the road at 2013