Towards Union Station

I grabbed this shot on a cold, snowy morning in Denver, CO recently.  I love getting out and shooting in the early morning for a lot of reasons, but one of the primary reasons is that you can capture scenes without all the busy-ness of the day.  Things are still quiet and calm and you can enjoy your creative time without the distractions of lots of cars or people walking into your shots.  :-)

For this shot, I was really drawn in by the long colored reflections of the various lights shining on the wet street.  I just love how those look.  I was also making my way towards Union Station, which has that wonderful “Travel by Train” sign in bright neon on top.  I just love that sign.  Plus I love train stations, so it’s like a double-dip of awesomeness, first thing in the morning!

If you want a closer view of that sign, or of Union Station, you can click here.


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