The suspension bridge in Waco

This is one heck of an awesome bridge!

Do you love bridges?  I sure do.  They are one of my favorite photographic subjects (and I feel like I say that a lot here on the blog....but there are a lot of things I love to shoot!).  There's something about them that just draws me in.  You know what I mean?  

It is probably a combination of the architecture, the water that they are usually over, and the symbolism they represent to me - a connecting of disparate parts, bringing together separate lands...that sort of thing.  I don't know...but they're cool.

Anyways...I was driving to Dallas one day and had the urge to stop in Waco and explore for a few minutes.  Waco is not exactly high on anyone's list of places to go shoot (sorry, Waco) but I had seen some pics of this bridge online and knew it was pretty close to the highway, so I figured it would make a quick stop.  It did.

It was super easy to get to and I had it entirely to myself, which is how I like things.  It was also an incredibly windy day with major clouds and stuff blowing through, as you can see in the pic.  Anyways, I shot all around, under and on top of this bridge until I felt like I got everything I wanted.

I love shots like this because there is such a color and texture difference between the bridge and the sky - I just like contrasts like that.  I also thought I would share a Before & After sort of thing, which is a screenshot of this photo from when I was working on it in Color Efex Pro.  That's the Before on the left, and the After on the right.  I haven't shared one of those here in a while - let me know if you want to see these more often, k?   


The crypt under Glasgow Cathedral


iPhone fun around Central Texas