Early morning in Las Vegas

Las Vegas…so much to shoot there!  I was in Las Vegas almost exactly 1 year ago (yes, I am pretty backlogged on photos!), and was up early one morning to get out and shoot that incredible town.  By the way, do you know how hard it is to get up early in Las Vegas?  It’s hard, and I wasn’t even out late.  It’s just not a morning town…but that is why I sacrificed my sleep.  I can shoot without all the tourists.  I like that idea.

I could spend weeks just shooting up and down the Strip…it’s just packed with interestingness.  And I am not even talking about all the people.  I tend to aim my camera at “things”, and shooting that sort of stuff is much better when people are not around.  Hence the early hour shooting for me.

On that morning – as you can see – there was a fabulous blue hour and when you combine it with interesting things like their Eiffel Tower and some neon lights and passing traffic…it’s hard not to like!


Agape at Ecola


Sunset at Vanderbilt University stadium