iPhone fun in Sydney Australia
I popped over to Sydney last week - fun!
Ok, that's a slight exaggeration - coming from Texas, you don't really "pop" over there like it's a 30 minute flight. It's actually the LONGEST FLIGHT IN THE WORLD. That's not a joke. The Qantas flight from Dallas to Sydney (using the new Airbus A380) is well over 16 hours, covering north of 8,500 miles/13,800 km. That's some serious butt time!
And I was in coach. My ass is getting numb just thinking about it again.
I am actually writing this while in Sydney, on my last night here (Saturday evening, Sydney time) and scheduling it to go live on Monday morning, Texas time. The beauty of the internet. I will spend all day Sunday on the return flight. By the time this post goes live, I will be home again and hopefully still sleeping soundly! So read on, while I snooze a bit.
Well enough about all that, how about some pics?
I took a LOT of photos while in Sydney, and obviously haven't had any time to process them (much less even get them off the memory cards!). So I thought I would do this iPhone post and hit a few of the highlights. It's a beautiful city, though I will say the big draws are the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge - which are both beautiful. Outside of that, I of course explored quite a bit, including hunting down some of the awesome graffiti that I Googled (found it!).
You'll be seeing quite a few Sydney shots here, as soon as I can get to them. Hope you enjoy this iPhone teaser, and thanks for stopping by today. G'day mate!
Some thoughts on the iPhone 6 camera...
And by the way, these were all shot with my new iPhone 6 and processed in Snapseed. I haven't shared much iPhone stuff here over the last year or so, but I still take a bunch of them. I was slowing down quite a bit, but now that I have this new iPhone 6, I am getting pretty fired up about mobile photography again!
I previously had the iPhone 4S, but it was well over 2 years old, and showing a lot of signs of age (and tons of usage). It wasn't always working great, and now compared to the new one it feels like it was made in 1975 or something. This shiny new toy is a total blessing. While the camera is great (especially considering this is a phone), I do love the bigger screen. It's just crisp and gorgeous.
And no, I did not get the iPhone 6 Plus. Perhaps if I was 6'5" tall and had banana hands, then I would consider it. But no, I'm not, and that thing is too unwieldy for me. The iPhone 6 took a little getting used to, because even the smaller new one is still considerably larger than my old iPhone 4S, but after a couple of weeks we are very happy together. :-) Ok, on to the pics!
I grabbed this one from the Harbor Bridge. A good walk up there, but worth the view!
On my 2nd night here, I was treated to an absolutely FABULOUS sunset. So awesome!!
Just some shopping arcade I ran across - thought it was pretty nice looking!
See what I'm saying?? AWESOME. GRAFFITI.
If you've been here before, you know I love train stations...so I had to visit their Central Station. Grungy goodness.
And one more of the opera House, during that killer sunset. Such a photogenic building!
St. Mary's Cathedral - very beautiful!
Here's an angle on the Opera House you may not have seen before...
Walking around Circular Quay, headed to the Harbor Bridge. This is before that crazy sunset happened!
Yep, it's the Opera House again - big surprise! But I did like the sunset light here...
And a word of caution - as a tourist, you may be tempted to try Vegemite, because you remember that Men At Work song from the 80's (and sorry, I know it's stuck in your head now) but DO NOT TRY IT. It's a prank that is foisted on unsuspecting tourists, especially Americans. I do not believe that it is actually even food. It tastes like what I imagine tar or axle grease to taste like, but with more salt. It's completely horrible (sorry, Aussie friends, but come on, you eat that?). I tried it one morning at breakfast, and seriously wanted to spit everywhere. You may vomit. I had to leave immediately so I could brush my teeth. STAY AWAY FROM IT. :-)