The altar at Christ Church Cathedral
So many photos of little time. :-)
When I travel and get out to shoot, I tend to shoot a lot. I often come home with thousands of images across multiple memory cards, all waiting for me to get right into it and start processing. But, I tend to process a few and then decide to hit the pause button.
I think I do this because even though I love a place (like Dublin, in this case), I get bored rather quickly with too many images in a row from the same place. It wears me out, and I yearn for something "new", even if it's an old photo from a previous trip. Just the very idea of changing up the content makes me happy.
That probably explains why I like to travel. :-)
Anyways, I have so many photos from Dublin, and am about to add more to the family when I go back there soon. I don't mind revisiting a place, especially one as nice as Dublin. In fact, I enjoy getting to further explore a place and getting the chance to really know the place and have a feel for it. I just won't share too many photos right away.
Change is good, and I prefer to mix it up here on the blog. I feel like it keeps it more interesting for you. It certainly does for me. I don't know if you would get bored seeing a bunch of shots in a row from the same place. Would you? I'll probably never do it, but why not ask?
A couple of times I have devoted an entire week to a single trip. Maybe I will try that again. Anyways, I'm done here. I feel like I am having a conversation with myself, and it ain't going anywhere. :-)