The Brazen Head

This is the oldest pub in Ireland.  Ain't that cool?  Oh yeah, and Happy St. Patrick's Day! (required Irish photo below)

Do you have certain things that you automatically associate with certain countries?  You know, like tea with the English?  I have a few, and one of them is good pubs and the Irish people...they just go together.

I've posted many photos here of The Temple Bar pub in Dublin, and I admit that I still have PLENTY more of those to get to.  It's just so photogenic.  Frankly, I love that spot.  But there's another pub in Dublin which is well worth your time.  It's this one...The Brazen Head.  It's awesome, and it's the oldest pub in Ireland!

Now, it's a bit more of a walk than Temple Bar, but only by a few minutes.  And it's not sitting in the center of the entertainment district bearing it's name (also like The Temple Bar).  But it has personality, and as Jules said in Pulp Fiction...personality goes a long way.

I went there on my recent trip to Dublin after shooting around with my friends Mike Murphy, who was up from London for a few days, and Mark, who was traveling with me from Texas.  We ended up sitting there and making friends with a group of Irish folks who were seated near us.  

One of them, a bit of an elderly man, took a big interest when he found out we were from Texas.  He's apparently a bit of a historian, and started quizzing us on things that I had either never learned in school, or long since forgotten.  Or, maybe it was the Guinness.  :-) 

Either way, we had a great time and I highly recommend you visit The Brazen Head when you get to Dublin.  You can thank me later!

And by the way...this place is full of locals, so that's saying something.  Though I love The Temple Bar, I admit it's full of tourists mostly, whereas places like the Brazen Head appeal to the locals.  That's good enough for me.


The Marble Church


Santa Fe sunset