Blue hour on Burnet Road

Austin has gone through a lot of changes, and so has Burnet Road.

If you aren't from Austin, this whole "Burnet Road" thing may not mean anything to you, but at least I hope you enjoy the photographs.  But anyone from Austin is well-acquainted with the idea of old parts of town getting a facelift - something they call gentrification.

The original part of Austin that went through this is South Congress Avenue, known these days affectionately as SoCo.  It's still the most famous spot that was originally a bunch of "old stuff" and then turned into a tourist and shopping mecca, of sorts.  No chain stores there - it's all local, Keep Austin Weird sort of stuff.  But it's cool.

Amy's Ice Cream on Burnet Road - get the Mexican Vanilla, and you can thank me later!

Then there was South Lamar, which also got abbreviated, but to SoLa.  It's got some great stuff, including the famous "Greetings from Austin" mural and some great restaurants.

Atomic Tattoo - some great graffiti-style stuff on this building!

But Burnet Road, which is another one of our long, reasonably straight streets has also gone through a lot of changing and upgrading over the years.  In particular, I am fond of a stretch of Burnet Road which is home to several fun and funky stops, a couple of which are featured in the photos today.  I have even heard the Northern and Southern ends of Burnet Road referred to as NoBu and SoBu respectively, but I'm not sure that one's going to stick.  I sorta hope not.

Another angle of Atomic Tattoo - I just think this place is cool-looking.  But no, I don't have any tats.

Well, one morning I was up and out early with plans to shoot a lot of different spots that day, but since I live not too far from Burnet Road, this was my first stop. I caught it early - which is how I prefer it - and the streets were empty and quiet.  I literally stood in Burnet Road for a couple of shots, and didn't have to worry about getting run over by a pickup truck (this is Texas, after all).

Monkey Nest Coffee - I prefer tea myself, but still enjoy visiting this place.  Great little spot!


Bluebonnets in the Texas hill country


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