The little things in Amsterdam
I take a lot of photos, and most of them never see the light of day.
That's a shame, really, because I like quite a few of them, such as the ones I am sharing here today. But my habit here has been to share shots of the "big things", when in reality life and photography is often about the "little things".
Just a bike leaning against a wall in some overlooked alleyway in Amsterdam...
I won't get all philosophical here today about what's important and what's not important, or make too big of a point about enjoying the little things, but I will say that as a photographer and traveler, I try and capture these little things when I can. But like everyone, I often forget.
Flowers in front of a door that doesn't seem to go anywhere.
Truthfully, I could do a much better job of it, but often I am at a "big thing" shooting and am so focused on it that I miss a lot of great "little things" that are often RIGHT THERE. Literally, I have missed things that are cool and happen to be right in front of me, because I am so distracted by something else. That sucks, and I usually only realize it when looking back at a photo of whatever big thing I was taking that photo of.
A big wide canal shot, because this IS Amsterdam, and everyone expects it, right? Happy to do my part!
So today's post is a nod to the little things you might run across if you were wandering the streets (or canals, actually) of Amsterdam. I have been there several times, and that is a great city for wandering (like all cities in Europe, it seems). I like to wander anyways - there's something just so right about it.
All of these were taken on a single trip to Amsterdam, when I had my head on straight and told myself to pay attention to the little things. I hope you enjoy my views.
Incidentally, these are all single exposure photos, as opposed to HDR which I frequently share here. Also, you can click on any photo to see larger. Thanks for clicking by!
One of the millions of little bridges crossing over a canal.
And being a lover of Topaz Simplify, I just had to turn that last photo in a painting! I love how this came out!
Another canal shot - and believe me, you see this at every turn. I have a MILLION of these shots!
Who knew they had so much cheese?
This graffiti was just WAY too cool to pass up!
The wisdom of children.
A typical scene you will encounter while wandering Amsterdam.
A grungy scene with graffiti? Click!
Some nice flowers at the Bloemenmarkt, their famous floating flower market. Worth a visit for sure!