Sunrise in Boston

I had a pretty good start that morning!

Back in late August, I spent a couple of days in Boston, which is a great place to visit.  While I was mostly tied up with work, I did get out one evening for some shooting with Bob Lussier, and then again one morning for this sunrise session.  The trip worked out pretty well.  I'm always glad to get in at least one sunrise somewhere.  It's a refreshing start to a day, even if it starts a bit early.

So I left the hotel and wandered around Fan Pier and deeper into the city center, walking by Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall without any interruptions.  That's the best part about sunrise - you generally get to enjoy things in the quiet stillness of the start of a day, alone.  That may make me sound like a loner (and I am a bit of an introvert these days) but really it's about getting in some shots without a horde of tourists getting in my way.  It's just my preference.

This was also the last trip I took with my Olympus camera.  As I have mentioned here a couple of times, I have recently switched over to the Sony A7II and am absolutely in love with it. No disrespect to Olympus, which makes a fine camera - but I just can't believe the capability of this Sony camera.  It's really been a good move for me.

As a result of the move to Sony, I have been shooting a lot (here at home and on the road) and sharing a lot of new pics taken with my Sony.  But as you can imagine, I still have a MONSTER backlog of photos taken over the last few years which still need to get outta Lightroom and onto the blog!  So, I've been in a bit of hibernation mode lately, processing a lot of shots and getting them onto Flickr and into the portfolio.  More coming!

Anyways, here are a few shots from my morning wanderings in Boston that morning.  Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed walking around and firing them!


Firing away in downtown Austin


A visit to Frederiksborg Castle