Falkirk Wheel

A very interesting stop in lovely Scotland!

I find so much cool stuff in Scotland - makes me want to keep going back!  I really do love the country.  Having been many times already, I hope that life affords me the opportunity to continue returning for many years.  It's one of my favorite countries.

On my trip there earlier this year, I had a free weekend in Glasgow, and my good friend Mike Murphy came up from London so we could shoot around (and drink a couple of beers, ha!).  So one day we took off for the nearby town of Falkirk (a short train ride from Glasgow) and met up with his old friend Steve there.  The three of us then spent the better part of the day shooting around the area, including the first stop at The Kelpies, and then we made our way over here to see the Falkirk Wheel.

What a cool place.

It's basically a rotating boat lift which connects a couple of different canals.  The boat gets in the lift at the bottom, it rotates and delivers the boat to the upper level (which is where these photos were taken), and they come down this canal toward you.  It's pretty amazing to watch, and I can't imagine how much engineering and planning went into this thing.  Very cool stuff.

We spent a while here, but honestly most of the photos look about the same, the only differences being that I moved around a little bit.  So today I have these 3 photos for you, instead of a larger quantity, since I am trying to not be overly redundant.  But hey, after 28 pics total in the previous two posts, I deserve a break, right?  Right?

Thanks for stopping by today, and if you find yourself anywhere near Falkirk, Scotland - get over here, dangit, it's cool!


Sunrise on Barton Springs Road


Sunset at the Palace of Fine Arts