Aurora HDR + Plotagraph Pro offer

Here is a GREAT offer for those of you interested in Aurora HDR - and if you are curious about Plotagraph, you will love this deal!

I have used Aurora HDR for all of my HDR photos for a long time now. From the first time I opened it, I knew it was the best and I quit using the other stuff immediately. It was a game-changer for me. 

Curious about Aurora HDR or HDR photography? These links will help:

Now you can get this amazing software - plus a 3 month membership with Plotagraph - for as low as $89. It’s a great deal, and you will love both products.

Yes, I have used Plotagraph too and its quite fun. I have shared two of my Plotagraph creations below. Check them out! Aren't familiar with Plotagraph? It's allows you to animate a single JPG image and bring it to life. Very cool stuff!

Aurora HDR 2017 + 3 Month Plotagraph Pro+ Membership for as low as $89. This is a total value of $186! Yes, my coupon code JIMNIX will work at checkout so use that, too!

Availability: Tuesday May 23rd - Sunday June 4th

Click here to see the offer details on the Macphun site.

You Get:

  • Aurora HDR 2017, The world's most powerful HDR image editor for the Mac.
  • Plotagraph Pro+ Membership (3 month membership) - Bring your photos to life, animate from a single JPEG. 

Here are some Plotagraphs that I have made. Due to all my travels lately, I have not had much time to experiment with it - and I will admit there is a learning curve - but it's VERY COOL.


Sunrise over the Charles Bridge


Notre Dame, textured