Over the Top HDR in Aurora HDR 2019
Sometimes you just want to push those sliders pretty far to the right!
I think just about everyone starts out on their HDR journey by pushing things past the point of reality, and that’s ok. Everyone does it, and there’s no reason to apologize for it. Many people then taper back their use of HDR as time passes, including me, but there are times when you just want to go a bit crazy. Let’s face it - it can be fun. So when I came across this scene in London, I knew right away that I would be pushing it pretty hard when it came time to process the shot. Follow along in this video while I walk you through my workflow.
Get your copy of Aurora HDR 2019 here: https://bit.ly/2N3av7b Use coupon code JIMNIX to save $10! Or just download a free trial and test it out for yourself! Get my preset packs here: https://nomadicpursuits.com/presets Subscribe to my newsletter for tips, tricks and insights: http://eepurl.com/kjdfX Like my free training videos?