Simple Moves for Punchy Monochromes in Luminar

Over the years my love for black and white (I prefer to call them monochromes) photos has grown and grown. While I am a “big color” guy at heart, there is a time and place for monochromes and they can really make a visual impact. I love them, and when editing in Luminar Neo, I often find myself wanting to make that conversion and have fun.

One thing I find is that you can create a much more dramatic and punchy monochrome compared to the color version of the same photo. With a monochrome, you have removed the visual sugar rush of color and just focus on light, lines, shape and composition. It’s more pure, and you can also go a bit crazy (in a good way) since all the color is removed.

In the below video, I take a photo and do quite a few things that I don’t recommend doing to color images, but upon converting to monochrome it all works out. Take a look, pick up a few pointers, and I hope you enjoy it!


Get On With The Fascination


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