Bits and bobs from Florence
A group of photos from lovely Florence, Italy, showing the beauty of this amazing town.
A long look at the Ponte Vecchio
A 3 minute exposure overlooking the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy...
Nocturnal wandering
Out in the streets after dark in Italy - always a recipe for good photography opportunities!
The best view of Florence
If you are looking for the best view of the skyline of Florence, Italy you can find that in today's blog post. But it's not a secret - I had to share it with a few hundred of my closest friends. :-)
Street art in Florence
I found myself on a quest while in Florence, Italy - a quest to capture as much of the work by street artist "Blub" as I could find. I discovered 16 works by the artist, so here they are. They all feature either a famous work of art or a famous person (real or imagined), each fitted with a swimming mask. It's a fun diversion from all that other art in the city!