It had been an interesting afternoon for me.  I arrived in Southern California early enough to spend a while hunting for images, only to be greeted by a rainstorm that lasted the entire afternoon.  I went to shoot at a local resort, hoping to capture some great shots, but instead spent 2+ hours in the lobby working and waiting for the storm to pass.  I finally gave up, figuring it wasn't meant to be.  I was driving to my hotel, and passing through Laguna Beach, when the rain finally let up.  I was about to take the road toward the highway, and decided I would try and get a shot or two before the rain started again.  I plugged some quarters in a meter and ran to the public beach there in downtown Laguna Beach.  What a great town, by the way.  The wind was blowing like crazy, and the sun was quickly disappearing, so I literally ran around the beach and tried to thoughtfully compose a few shots before it rained again.  It turns out that it started raining again, about the time I returned to my car, 30 minutes later.  Thought I didn't get all the time I wanted, at least I got to see this place and experience the sunset.  It was beautiful.

This shot is a single exposure, shot at f/5 for 1/200 of a second.  Although I tend to favor HDR, I want to also experiment and test myself with standard shooting techniques in the interest of expanding my range and more importantly my experience and knowledge base.  This shot was sort of a compositional test and I tend to like how it came out.  I liked the big pile of seaweed, and of course the clouds.  I processed this in PSE (curves) and then added a little pop to it in Topaz Adjust, which is a new product for me and one I am pretty satisfied with.

What do you think about this shot, the composition, etc?  Would you have positioned yourself differently for this shot?  Are there things you would change?  Any feedback is appreciated.


A happy accident


Arches and angles