I have really gotten to love the Austin skyline, as you can probably tell from my various shots of it.  It continues to change, which is fine, and grow, which is also fine, but I still enjoy it.  I am sure that is because I live here, and look at it all the time, and photograph it a lot - but I like to think it is because it is beautiful.  It seems to have its own uniqueness to it.  As you may know, the town motto of Austin is "Keep Austin Weird" which I keep thinking will make its way into the skyline somehow.  I am looking forward to the day when the cranes are gone, so I can get a "clean" shot or two of the skyline.  Who knows when that will be though.

This is a 3 exposure HDR (-2, -1, 0) shot at f/6.3 and ISO 100.  The exposures were 4.5 seconds, 8 seconds, and 18 seconds.  I suspect I should have taken a couple of more shots, but felt like I had enough to work with here and it was already about 9pm.  On my camera, the shots looked ok but not stellar.  After I got home and started processing them, I was pleasantly surprised with how they came out.  It seemed like all the buildings had lights on in just the right places - or at least enough places to make it interesting.  That brings up another thing about our skyline - all the color.  Perhaps this is part of a master plan, or just some happy accident but regardless I think it adds some distinction, beauty and interestingness to the view.  I hope you enjoy the photo as much as I enjoy taking them.




Fading light